This is educational app for toddlers age 3-7y meant to be administered by a parent, baby sitter or older sibling. The toddler is prompted to answer each card and responses are marked as correct or incorrect or not marked.
Here is a short video from my kid using the first version of the app :
Available modules (ie resources) :
* colors
* numbers
* letters
* vocabulary
* opposites
* common knowledge
* name the group
* memory
* word definition
* oral reasoning
* story time
* patterns
Key functionality:
* remembers good/ bad responses and tracks progress on modules
* can re-test quickly only areas that need work
* shows progress summary on each module
Pending functionality to be added (depending on interest):
* create profiles for each kid so the app / device can be shared
* ability to record full history, log each mark (not just latest) in order to be able to generate more accurate tests and reports
* ability to generate reports (for the day, month) for parents and progress reports
* to add more CARDS and more MODULES.